Thursday, October 27, 2011

Daily Dose of Apple

The saying goes, 'an apple a day keeps the doctor away,' but is it true? Will a daily does of apple keep a person healthy, strong and without need for a Doctor?

I once heard a nutritionist say that most diseases in the U.S. today are lifestyle related, namely lifestyle choices that involve diet and stress. While developing countries struggle with communicable diseases (Hepatitis, measles, malaria), developed nations struggle with chronic diseases (diabetes, some heart issues, and some cancers) which are all influenced by life choices.

Honestly, my information on this is limited. I haven't done much research on the topic of nutrition but I plan to do so. Just think, if many of the ailments today are caused by the decisions we make about what we eat and how much stress we allow in our lives, then eradication of these diseases is completely within grasp.

In my quest to research nutrition and its effects on health, I will begin by simply considering the apple:

An apple contains:
-Pectin- a type of fiber that lowers both glucose levels and blood pressure; it also helps maintain        digestive health.                                                                                                           -Quercetin- reduces the risk of cancer
-Vitamin C- enhances immune system performance
-Phytonutrients- Compounds, such as vitamins A and E, that can help prevent heart disease, diabetes and asthma

Maybe an apple a day could keep the Dr. away, especially if combined with other foods with equally good benefits!

The following site aided me in the more technical aspects of this blog:

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